Annabelle Guetatra / Les Déjantés (2)
Mixed media on paper, 21x29,7cm, 2016
By Annabelle Guetatra
Annabelle Guetatra (b. 1985 in France) lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. She creates strong figurative artwork, personal and oneiric, sensitive and fierce at the same time. Annabelle Guetatra's drawings explore how desire crawls, perfuses and animates bodies, pushing them into impossible coupling, deforming them into pointless masquerades. She uses mixed media on paper (mostly drawing but also papier mâché sculptures and artist books) and has recently started exploring ceramics. We have been working with her since 2009, and we have presented her works in numerous exhibitions and art fairs (Drawing Now Paris, Art on Paper Brussels...).
She was awarded the Prix du public Médiatine, La Médiatine, Bruxelles (2013), 1st Prize of the Young Artistic Talent Award, BNP Paribas Fortis, BOZAR, Bruxelles (2013), the Prix artistique international de Tournai, Belgium (2013), the Prix Collignon au Musée d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain de la Ville de Liège, Belgium (2011), and was a runner-up of the Fondation belge de la Vocation, Belgium (2010), the Prix Jeunes Artistes - dessin, Brussels (2010) and the Prix Marie-Louise Rousseau (2010)